Exclusive Fluxtopia Alpha Pass Access: June 16th, 2022

Exclusive Fluxtopia Alpha Pass Access: June 16th, 2022

Fluxtopia will be allowing Fluxtopians a new way to gain early access for Alpha Pass Holders. This next round of early access will come in the form of our Alpha Passes, so grab one on the dip. This pass will grant players the ability to participate in everything Fluxtopia. The early access will be giving all holders the ability to test out Fluxtopia’s environments. Diamond, Gold and Regular Alpha Passes will now have additional time for early access!

Don’t want to drop any money to see what the excitement is about? Join our twitter space tonight at 8pm EST, and see exactly what Fluxtopia has to offer.

The Alpha Passes will be awarded to members of our community who participated in the growth of Fluxtopia in its early days, as well as Fluxtopians in the community who continue to contribute to the development of Flux City. Fluxtopia wants to show its appreciation for all its early supporters, and lucky community members will also have unique opportunity to enter into Fluxtopia on these special occasions.

What exactly is the best way to get yourself an Alpha Pass? Stay involved in our communities Discord, Twitter, and Website for all the updates. Stay tuned for our upcoming announcement regarding how to participate in Fluxtopia, and to earn yourself a first look at the gameplay. We cannot wait to show you all things Fluxtopia. Join the discord now to get involved!