Fluxtopia Partners With Non-Fungible Art

Fluxtopia Partners With Non-Fungible Art

After years of game development Big Bird Games is releasing Fluxtopia, CMO Dillon Davidson announced on Friday that he’d be confirming a partnership with NFA. That new opportunity is joining Fluxtopia with NFA, a leading fixture of the NFT world. Big Bird Games has been continuously updating new web3.0 features to give users an opportunity to create there own metaverse worlds.

Fluxtopias next big step is integrating collectable avatars for user based utility, a “metaverse” game being developed for PC and mobile browsers. Fluxtopia will be a combination of MMORGs with many community driven aspects, where much of the content is user-generated. 

“The metaverse is a game of giants and we are bringing David to the fight” Fluxtopia founder Colton, aka BigBird, Explained in a recent Twitter space. “For us to truly reach the limits of Fluxtopia we have known for a long time that we need all our anxious community members to integrate their amazing art collections into an immersive experience like Fluxtopia!”

Partnerships with NFA and the greater Crypto currency community are ways Fluxtopia’s COO Jermiane Henry have created a completely user based platform. Prior to that majority of this development came from group of friends wanting to create a safe user based platform for everyone to enjoy, no matter what blockchain they are involved with. Every team member has spent years creating opensource information to better individual growth. Fluxtopia will be a pinnacle of knowledge and building up humanity as a whole.

Fluxtopia strives to be a leader in education and web 3 career paths for years to come. NFTs, or nonfungible tokens, are blockchain tokens that certify ownership of a digital asset. Their purpose is to grant digital goods the same property rights that physical items enjoy: the ability to sell an in-game costume, for example, just like you would be able to resell a pair of new shoes that are available on the open market.